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As a Landlord, Should I Allow Pets?

Written by Charles Lucroy | Sep 25, 2024 12:15:00 PM

Did you know that 66% of U.S. households own a pet? As pet ownership continues to rise, so does the demand for pet-friendly rental properties. For landlords, this presents both opportunities and challenges.

Our experts at Lucroy Residential have created this guide to help landlords navigate the complexities of developing and implementing a pet policy. From understanding current trends to managing legal considerations, we cover everything you need to know to make informed decisions about allowing pets in your rental properties.

Understanding the Need for a Pet Policy

A clear pet policy is crucial for effective property management. It helps set expectations, mitigate risks, and foster good tenant relations.

Current Trends in Pet Ownership

With approximately 66% of U.S. households owning a pet, the demand for pet-friendly rental properties is rising. Recent statistics show that around 72% of renters in the U.S. have pets, highlighting the growing need for landlords to accommodate animal companions. 

This surge in pet ownership is influenced by changing social dynamics, where pets are increasingly viewed as family members. Consequently, tenants prioritize finding rental homes that welcome their furry friends, making pet-friendly rentals a highly sought-after commodity.

Benefits of Allowing Pets

Allowing pets in your rental properties can offer numerous advantages. First and foremost, it opens up the potential for increased rental income. Many pet owners are willing to pay higher rents or additional pet fees, bolstering your overall revenue.

A pet-friendly policy can also attract a broader tenant pool, giving you a comprehensive selection of potential renters. This inclusivity also tends to result in higher tenant retention rates; tenants with pets are more likely to renew their leases if they find a welcoming and accommodating environment for their pets.

Risks and Challenges

Despite the benefits, there are risks and challenges associated with allowing pets in rental properties. One of the primary concerns is potential property damage. Pets can cause wear and tear beyond normal usage, leading to additional maintenance costs.

Furthermore, other tenants may have allergies or could lodge complaints about noise or cleanliness issues related to pets. Liability issues must also be carefully considered, as landlords could be held responsible for any injuries caused by a tenant's pet to others on the property. Developing a comprehensive pet policy can help mitigate these risks by setting clear rules and expectations for pet-owning tenants.

Key Components of an Effective Pet Policy

An effective pet policy should be comprehensive and clearly outline all the regulations and expectations for tenants with pets. Here are the essential components that should be included to ensure clarity and enforceability.

Types of Pets Allowed

When crafting a pet policy, a crucial first step is to specify the types of pets allowed on your property. Most commonly, landlords will consider allowing cats and dogs, as they are the most popular pets among tenants. However, it's also essential to decide if other animals, such as birds, rabbits, or exotic pets like reptiles, will be permitted.

Deciding Between Cats, Dogs, Birds, etc.

  • Cats: Compared to most larger animals, cats are less likely to cause significant property damage. They are also quieter, making them a good choice for multi-unit buildings.

  • Dogs: Allowing dogs can attract a larger pool of tenants, but setting clear guidelines regarding acceptable breeds and sizes is essential. Depending on your property's layout, dogs may require more space and outdoor access, which can be a consideration.

  • Birds: Birds can be a less common choice but may still appeal to some tenants. They often require minimal space but can create noise that might disturb other tenants.

  • Other Pets: Small mammals (like hamsters or guinea pigs), fish, and reptiles might also be considered. These pets generally have specific habitat requirements and might be easier to manage. However, they must still be evaluated for potential property damage and tenant preferences.

Breed and Size Restrictions

Setting breed and size restrictions can help mitigate the potential risks of allowing pets. For instance:

  • Breed Restrictions: Some breeds of dogs are known for aggressive behavior and may pose a higher risk to other tenants. We advise researching and identifying which breeds to restrict based on temperament and size. However, it's crucial to be aware of breed-specific legislation in your area to ensure compliance with local laws.

  • Size Restrictions: Implementing size restrictions, such as a weight limit, can help control the level of wear and tear on your property. For example, you might allow dogs up to 50 pounds but restrict larger dogs due to potential damage or space constraints.

By clearly defining the types of pets allowed and setting breed and size restrictions, you can create a balanced pet policy that meets the needs of your tenants while protecting your property.

Number of Pets

One effective strategy for maintaining a harmonious living environment is to limit the number of pets allowed per unit. This can help control potential property damage and ensure that common areas remain clean and orderly. 

Typically, landlords allow one to two pets per rental unit, depending on the size of the residence. For example, a smaller apartment might comfortably accommodate one pet, whereas a larger home with a yard could handle two.

Setting limits on the number of pets also helps manage noise levels and reduces the likelihood of conflicts between tenants over pet-related issues. You must communicate these limits in your pet policy upfront, ensuring tenants fully understand the expectations before moving in.

Reasonable Accommodations for Service and Emotional Support Animals

While limiting the number of pets per unit is essential, landlords must also know the legal requirements regarding service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs). Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), landlords must provide reasonable accommodations to tenants with disabilities, which may include allowing service animals or ESAs regardless of existing pet policies. 

Pet Deposits and Fees

When allowing pets in your rental properties, it's essential to address the financial implications by implementing pet deposits and fees. Landlords can consider two main charges:

1. Security Deposits: A security deposit is a refundable amount collected at the start of the lease and held to cover any potential damage caused by the pet. This deposit can be returned to the tenant at the end of the lease term, provided there is no significant pet-related damage to the property beyond normal wear and tear. Security deposits are beneficial as they provide a safety net for landlords while incentivizing tenants to maintain the property in good condition.

2. Non-Refundable Pet Fees: Unlike security deposits, non-refundable pet fees are collected to cover the additional cost of allowing pets and are not returned to the tenant. This fee helps offset the increased maintenance and cleaning costs of pet ownership. Non-refundable pet fees provide landlords with immediate funds to manage any additional wear and tear due to pets during the lease.


Monthly Pet Rent Charges

In addition to one-time deposits and fees, landlords can implement monthly pet rent charges. Pet rent is a recurring monthly fee added to the tenant's regular rent payment, specifically for keeping a pet in the rental unit. This charge helps cover the ongoing pet costs, such as increased cleaning, pest control, and potential property repairs.

Monthly pet rent charges serve as a continual reminder to tenants of their responsibility to keep the property clean and undamaged. It also ensures landlords have a steady income stream to address pet-related issues promptly. The amount charged for pet rent can vary depending on factors such as the type and size of the pet and the property's location, but it commonly ranges from $25 to $100 per month.

Tenant Responsibilities

Tenants should be informed of their pet care and maintenance responsibilities, including cleaning up after their pets, ensuring up-to-date vaccination records, and complying with noise and leash regulations.

Pet Care and Hygiene Expectations

Tenants must maintain high pet care and hygiene standards to ensure a pleasant living environment for all residents. This includes regular grooming and bathing of pets to minimize shedding and odor. 

Tenants must promptly clean up pet waste inside and outside the unit and properly dispose of it in designated areas, keeping pets' living areas clean and free from fleas and ticks. Adherence to these hygienic practices will help prevent potential health and safety issues, contributing to the community's overall well-being.

Noise Control

Managing pet noise is another critical responsibility for tenants. To ensure harmony within the building, tenants must minimize the noise their pets produce, particularly during quiet hours. This can involve training pets to control barking, meowing, or other disruptive noises. 

Tenants may also consider using techniques or tools such as bark collars or regular exercise to tire out pets, reducing the likelihood of excessive noise. Responsible pet ownership fosters good relationships with neighbors and maintains a peaceful living environment.

Damage Repair Obligations

Tenants must repair any damage caused by their pets to the rental property. This includes damage to carpeting, flooring, walls, doors, and fixtures. Tenants should address minor repairs themselves, if possible, or promptly report more significant damage to the landlord for proper remediation.

Tenants need to monitor their pets and take preventative measures, such as using protective coverings or encouraging proper behavior, to minimize the risk of property damage. By assuming responsibility for pet-related damages, tenants contribute to the property's upkeep and help maintain its value for future occupants.

Legal Considerations

Understanding the rights of service and emotional support animals (ESAs) is essential for landlords. Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), landlords must accommodate tenants with disabilities, including allowing service animals and ESAs, even if their pet policies typically restrict or prohibit pets. 

Service animals are specifically trained to perform tasks for individuals with disabilities, while ESAs provide emotional support that alleviates symptoms of a person's disability. Landlords cannot impose pet fees or deposits for these animals, but they may require documentation verifying the need for an ESA. Landlords must adhere to these regulations to avoid discrimination claims.

Local Laws and Regulations

Landlords must also be aware of state and municipal regulations affecting pet policies. Different jurisdictions may have specific rules regarding pet ownership in rental properties, including breed restrictions, pet deposit limits, and the number of pets allowed per unit.

Compliance with these local laws ensures that the landlord's pet policy is legally enforceable and reduces the risk of potential legal disputes. Lease agreements should explicitly outline the pet policy to ensure tenants are fully informed of their responsibilities and tenancy terms.

Insurance Implications

Reviewing liability insurance coverage is crucial when allowing pets in rental properties. Pets, particularly certain breeds of dogs, can increase the risk of liability claims due to potential injuries to other tenants or property damage.

Landlords should consult with their insurance providers to understand the coverage specifics and ensure they are adequately protected. Allowing pets might impact insurance premiums, so understanding these financial implications is essential when developing a pet policy. Comprehensive liability insurance helps mitigate potential risks and ensures landlords are prepared to handle any incidents involving tenants' pets.

Crafting an Ideal Landlord Pet Policy

Creating and managing a pet policy involves understanding current trends, addressing benefits and risks, complying with legal requirements, and effectively communicating with tenants.

When crafting your pet policy, weigh the pros and cons carefully and seek legal advice if necessary. A well-thought-out policy can enhance your property's appeal and tenant satisfaction while mitigating potential risks.

For personalized assistance with property management and implementing pet policies, contact our team at Lucroy Residential. We're here to help you navigate the complexities of property management with ease and expertise.